
To the members of the Signum Fidei Fraternities

Dear HH Visitors
Dear Brother Advisors of the Signum Fidei Fraternities
Dear brothers and sisters of the Signum Fidei Fraternities

Roma 13.11.2020

In the midst of this difficult global moment during which so many people are suffering the consequences of Covid-19, we invite all the members of our Signum Fidei Fraternities to join us in prayer and Christian hope. Brother Robert Schieler, in his message on Covid-19 reminded us that “the gift of our fraternal life in community is a gift that we have to offer to the global community. May our mutual support and solidarity be, during this crisis, a sign of hope for others” (17.03.2020). This is what it is all about; all our fraternities, because they are Lasallian, must contribute to the building of this global community “together and by association.”

Surely we all agree with Brother Robert Schieler’s statement when, in his message for the feast of our Founder, he said: “Our Lasallian Family is blessed with dreamers and visionaries who provide us with an abundance of wisdom, creativity and vision. Let us plan the future with energy and enthusiasm, knowing that adventure and adversity await us. Let us continue to witness to Jesus Christ with joy, loudly and without fear. And let us celebrate St. John Baptist de La Salle by recommitting ourselves to faithfully and zealously caring for each and every one of God’s creation” (15.05.2020). Without a doubt, we need this abundance of witness and commitment if we are to overcome the challenges that the future holds for us.

Through this communication we wish to announce with joy plans to celebrate the III Assembly Signum Fidei Fraternities via videoconference. For this we have constituted a team that, at this moment, is working to create plans for the Assembly. This team is formed by: Pedro Martín Pérez, Coordinator District Central America Panama (Nicaragua). Ritha Gonzalez, Coordinator (Nicaragua) Vilma Paredez, National Coordinator Peru. Claudio Baez. President Signum Fidei Chile.

We will maintain communication with all of you as details become more concrete: dates, participants, theme…

From the General Council and the Secretariat of Association, we invite all the Brother Visitors who have Signum Fidei Fraternities in their Districts to support and, to the extent possible, to participate in the III International Assembly.

We consider this initiative, born from the very base of the Signum Fiei Fraternities, to be a grace from God which will make possible the fulfilment of art 79 of our Style of Life “The International Signum Fidei Assembly is the sovereign body of the Signum Fidei Fraternity. The International President, together with the International Brother Advisor, convokes this Assembly at least one year before the ordinary General Chapter of the Institute and in connection with the International Mission Assembly.”

We continue to walk “together and by association” in our Lasallian life and mission. We do so with our eyes set on God, on Lasallians throughout the Institute, Districts and Delegations, and especially on the recipients of our educational mission.

Ms. Heather Ruple Gilson and Br. Paco Chiva, Co-Secretaries of the Association

H. Rafa Matas, General Councilor and International Advisor of the Signum Fidei Fraternities.