
On August 4th, a massive explosion ripped through central Beirut, killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands more. The blast rocked the Lebanese capital’s port area, flattened buildings, and caused significant damage to the Lasallian schools Collège Sacre Coeur-Frères Gemmayzé, Collège Notre Dame and École Saint Vincent de Paul. 

Already extremely fragile politically and reeling from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, this catastrophe was the tipping point which has overwhelmed the people of Beirut.  As a result, these events seriously compromise the capacity of our academic centers to provide students with an education.  

For this reason, the De La Salle Brothers, through the Fondazione De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale ONLUS has launched an emergency appeal.  All donations contributed to this campaign will go directly to educational services and humanitarian relief in Beirut.   

In response to the recent damages, your contribution will ensure La Salle’s enduring presence in Lebanon.

Information for bank wires in euros 

Name of the Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Address of the Bank: Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 26700167 Roma (RM)
Account Holder: De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale – ONLUS
Address of the Account Holder: Via Aurelia 476, 00165 Roma (RM)
Account Nr.: 7241X70
IBAN code: IT52 R056 9603 2070 00007241X70

PayPal – Euros:

Information for bank wires in US Dollars:

Name of the Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Address of the Bank: Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 26700167 Roma (RM)
Account Holder: De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale – ONLUS
Address of the Account Holder: Via Aurelia 476, 00165 Roma (RM)
Account Nr.: 096-0007241-VAR-USD
IBAN code: IT10 M056 9603 207V ARUS 0007 241

PayPal – Dollars: