Generalate – CIAMEL and General Council Meeting
The General Council and members of CIAMEL met at the Generalate in Rome from 22 to 24 March 2023 to respond to call to synodality and commitment to association for mission. The purpose of the conversations was to better understand the connections between the commitments of the 46th GC and the lines of action of the III AIMEL and how these are incorporated into a structure of shared governance the Institute.
The three days of work also allowed the respective tasks and responsibilities to be defined and clarified, as well as potential areas of collaboration.
Br Armin Luistro FSC, Superior General, opened the meeting by emphasising the need for both the General Council and CIAMEL to be attentive to the needs of the Lasallian Family by strengthening, through dialogue, the bond between all parties.
The new organigramme envisaged by the General Council envisions, among the various reforms still to be considered, commissions on topics such as: a) education, b) evangelisation, c) justice, peace and integrity of the environment, d) formation, e) association for mission, consecrated life and f) Lasallian youth.
The reflection and conversations of these days continued in more detail in small language working groups to share the expectations of each of the Councils.
Both will have the mandate to support the Superior General and ensure the necessary coordination that will lead to better results based on the objectives of the 46th GC and III AIMEL.
While recognising the important efforts made by both in recent years, the need to continue to promote partnerships based on fraternity and common solidarity was affirmed.
The second day of reflection offered the Councils the opportunity to discuss the new governance structure using the methodology of appreciative inquiry, revealing both the positive aspects of the system and potential concerns and doubts about future relations, along with possible solutions. The groups agreed that the new structure aims to substantially change the way the Councils work. In fact, the commitments of the 46th GC and the action lines of the III AIMEL will be integrated and put into practice by the various Commissions, Regions and District teams.
The third day was dedicated to review the CIAMEL statutes so that they become more aligned with the proposed governance structures and the mandate of the 46th GC and III AIMEL.
A discussion was then opened to consider how both Councils can work side by side and how they can best serve the Institute and the Lasallian Family. One of the ideas was to propose a) a full Council of Lay Partners and b) a Permanent Council composed of the General Council, the Council of Lay Partners and the International Economic Council.
The main objective of these days of work and meetings was to build new paths in the restructuring of the Institute and the Lasallian Family to continue to touch hearts and transform lives.