Dear Brothers, Partners, Students and Members of the Lasallian Family,
“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead,
and Christ will give you light.”
Eph 5:14
En esta Navidad les invito a despertar conscientemente a la presencia de Dios en sus vidas y a disfrutar de la luz de Cristo. Encendidos con la alegría de la Navidad, compartan la Buena Nueva con todos los que encuentren. Como embajadores de Jesucristo, respondan a los gritos de los pobres con respuestas concretas a sus necesidades prácticas: comida, vivienda, vestido y acceso a oportunidades educativas.
This Christmas I invite you to consciously wake up to God’s presence in your life and to bask in the light of Christ. On fire with the joy of Christmas, share the Good News with all whom you encounter. As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, respond to the cries of the poor with concrete responses to their practical needs: food, shelter, clothing and access to educational opportunities. May the awareness of Jesus living in your hearts move you to joyfully share the light of Christ with all God’s people, gently care for creation and be brightly shining beacons of hope for all whom you encounter.
Merry Christmas!
Brother Robert Schieler, FSC
Superior General