
At the La Salle Dalat Educational Training Centre, District of Vietnam, located in the highest mountainous area of Vietnam, a beautiful and attractive place for holidays, the annual retreat was held for 50 Brothers, from 13 to 19 June 2022. Keeping with the District tradition, the Brothers were invited to reflect on the pastoral letter of Brother Robert Schieler, former Superior General, entitled “Joyfully I Behold Your Enduring Hope”.

One day of the retreat was also dedicated to identifying the highlights of the recent General Chapter, led by Brother Joseph Hung, Delegate to the General Chapter. The focus on the 46th General Chapter was, in fact, a useful opportunity to inspire the Brothers to find new ways, in their current ministry, to live the Lasallian vocation according to the needs of young people today.

The key words during the retreat week were “hope” and “association”. Each Brother had time to reflect and share his own thoughts and experience in living the Lasallian vocation. Other key words were the importance of having a deep relationship with God and a fraternal relationship with others.

On the morning of 19 June, in the closing ceremony some Brothers received their new assignments: those Brothers who change community, or move to another country to serve or study. Also, during the same morning, seventeen young Brothers renewed their religious vows.

The Institute and the District has been truly blessed by these young Brothers, who continue to consecrate themselves to God to procure His Glory and the salvation needs of so many young people today.

Brother Simon Thien, FSC
(Text edited by Ilaria Iadeluca – Communications and Technology Service
Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Rome)