The Communications and Technology Service responds to the needs of the Generalate and the Lasallian Family.
As the Word came in mission, enfleshing himself in a humanity that he took on completely, we collaborate in the mission of Christ in the same way and we permit him to bring it to its complete fulfillment. Above all we welcome him, making ourselves the place of his presence and, therefore, the continuation of his life in history, to afford others the possibility of meeting him.
(CIVCSVA, The service of authority and obedience, Third Part, n. 23)
One must do, in other words, carry out, communication activities. But above all, it’s about doing it based on a style of being a communicator, of being in communion, of relating with people and with our world. We wish to continue creating institutions of value and to make that value known. The world of relationships is in constant evolution and we need to be open in order to respond to the mission with creative fidelity. An action plan will help us to think and to act more conscientiously.
Lasallian educational institutions are networked so that they can provide quality and integral training to those children and young people who frequent the classrooms, thereby improving society through education. In that educational activity, the needy are the priority.
Over the course of more than 300 years, the Institute has earned public recognition for providing quality education based on the particular way it is organized and its integral spirituality. Our corporate image is built on this history, through its efforts and the way in which the institution is currently perceived. Our image transmits not only our history, but also a promise to continue being of value. Technology is one of the tools that gives us a better knowledge of our environment, greater effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out our objectives, a greater communicative outreach and a less hierarchical organization.
- To foster a communicative environment that is a sign of communion among all.
- To integrate communication efforts within the framework of the Lasallian mission plan, not so much as a series of well executed actions, but rather as a dynamic axis that transverses all areas of the mission.
- To protect, strengthen and promote the visibility of the public Lasallian image, both internally and externally.
- To create communications mechanisms that serve to promote continual interaction among all those who make up the Lasallian Family.
- To contribute to the definition of an institutional or corporate culture, both in internal and external relations.
- To guarantee technological coverage within the Generalate.
- To support the mission of the Institute in the establishment of channels for reflection on mutual implications between technology, education and pastoral ministry.
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